Several years ago, Bill Nye (“The Science Guy”), and young-earth
creationist, Ken Ham squared off in a debate to answer the question, “Is
Creation a Viable Model of Origins”? Regardless of who you believe “won” the
debate, the question is just as relevant today as it was then. But, what
exactly was being debated? Was it evolution versus creation science? Was it
Atheism versus Christianity? In actuality, it was (and still is) a dispute
between worldviews. It boils down to a clash between those that accept the
plain words of Scripture and those that do not. The basis for a Biblical
Creationist’s worldview is the infallibility of God’s Word, whereas
Evolutionists and others who hold differing viewpoints base their understanding
on fallible, and ever-changing man.
My objective here is not to present the two
opposing points of view, but rather to discuss the relevance of Christian
families maintaining a biblical worldview, and why the implications are high if
we don’t hold to the infallibility of God’s eternal Word.
Unfortunately, it has become common place to see “Christian” denominations succumbing to the pressures of the secular world to be accepting of practices the Bible regards as corrupt behavior. Why are we experiencing such an upheaval in biblical beliefs? I believe one of the primary spheres where Christians have lost their way is education. We are beginning to reap our lack in laying a firm biblical foundation for our children and future generations in souls turning to secular humanism as their basis for life. As Christian parents, it is our obligation to instill in the next generation the importance of learning to think as God thinks; however, if we are using textbooks that are fundamentally anti-God (which is the stance of the government regulated Common Core curriculum), we would be naïve to expect our kids to walk away with a creation based mindset, God honoring theology, or moral absolutes. Spending 12 years under the tutelage of textbooks instructing as fact an evolutionary basis for creation and a secular humanistic approach to life, children are adopting strongholds of belief which are contrary to God’s Word. Instead, they’re heading into adulthood with beliefs that are solidly and devotedly secular and atheistic. We have no need to wonder why the next generation is fleeing the church, and those that are staying are influencing deviations from God’s Word that are aligned with the world. It is my concern that many children who are raised in solid Christian homes, who are attending schools whether public or private that are exposing them to a secular humanistic viewpoint devoid of God will graduate and leave their parents homes as secular atheists. Indoctrination is happening right before our eyes. If there is a disconnect between what we say we believe on Sunday (the gospel) and what our children are taught the rest of the week at school, we risk raising youth that look and think no different than the world. According to the Southern Baptist’s Family Advocacy Group, “88% of children raised in evangelical homes leave the church at 18 never to return.”
Unfortunately, it has become common place to see “Christian” denominations succumbing to the pressures of the secular world to be accepting of practices the Bible regards as corrupt behavior. Why are we experiencing such an upheaval in biblical beliefs? I believe one of the primary spheres where Christians have lost their way is education. We are beginning to reap our lack in laying a firm biblical foundation for our children and future generations in souls turning to secular humanism as their basis for life. As Christian parents, it is our obligation to instill in the next generation the importance of learning to think as God thinks; however, if we are using textbooks that are fundamentally anti-God (which is the stance of the government regulated Common Core curriculum), we would be naïve to expect our kids to walk away with a creation based mindset, God honoring theology, or moral absolutes. Spending 12 years under the tutelage of textbooks instructing as fact an evolutionary basis for creation and a secular humanistic approach to life, children are adopting strongholds of belief which are contrary to God’s Word. Instead, they’re heading into adulthood with beliefs that are solidly and devotedly secular and atheistic. We have no need to wonder why the next generation is fleeing the church, and those that are staying are influencing deviations from God’s Word that are aligned with the world. It is my concern that many children who are raised in solid Christian homes, who are attending schools whether public or private that are exposing them to a secular humanistic viewpoint devoid of God will graduate and leave their parents homes as secular atheists. Indoctrination is happening right before our eyes. If there is a disconnect between what we say we believe on Sunday (the gospel) and what our children are taught the rest of the week at school, we risk raising youth that look and think no different than the world. According to the Southern Baptist’s Family Advocacy Group, “88% of children raised in evangelical homes leave the church at 18 never to return.”
such as Common Core, that push a secular/atheistic agenda which deprive
children the opportunity to contemplate creationism will have a profound impact
on the trajectory of their spiritual lives. Their spiritual resolutions will
further impact their decision making process, and ultimately how they choose to
live their lives. As parents, it is imperative that we stop and ask the
question, “How is my child’s worldview developing?” Education is the primary means of worldview development. We need to
think critically about the type of schooling our children are receiving, and
the adults providing the instruction. The repercussions for our children’s
worldview are weighty. Their worldview will influence what they believe, who
they are, what they do, and ultimately, where they spend eternity. Ken Ham
asserts, "I want Christians to recognize the importance of allowing
Scripture to be the authority in all areas—including history and science. The
moral and societal decline we’re seeing across the West is a direct result of
man making himself the authority, instead of seeing God’s Word as the authority
in all areas. If man makes the rules, then why not redefine marriage, family,
and gender? Why not allow anyone to live any way they please? But we are not
the ultimate authority—God and his Word are, and we need to allow his Word to
shape our thinking and boldly share its truth with our dying culture."
We cannot compartmentalize our faith in one sphere of our lives and academics in another. In other words, we cannot separate the gospel message from what our children are learning in the classroom. We lose credibility with our children, as well as the watching world, if we preach the gospel message yet extract the Designer from our science and history curriculums. Proverbs 1:7 (NLT) is quick to point out that there is no real knowledge apart from the Creator in saying, “Fear of the LORD is the foundation of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Academic advancement is stalled when education overlooks the presence of God in the world because “all knowledge is His knowledge” (Col 1:16). If we claim to know Christ and desire to live for him and to train our children as such, it is essential to take seriously the Scriptures that command us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind to a Biblical mindset and no longer conform to the pattern of the world (Rom 12:2). If we believe there is neutrality in the pursuit of knowledge, we may have already adopted a humanistic mindset. The Apostle Paul clearly warned Timothy, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ” (Col 2:8 NIV). Does Common Core curriculum really matter? Personally, I think it does. Souls are at stake. However, as Christ’s Bride, we are not without hope! “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” 2 Chron 7:14 (ESV). Let us thoroughly study the Scriptures for God’s divine direction and pray for a courageous willingness to change course if necessary.
We cannot compartmentalize our faith in one sphere of our lives and academics in another. In other words, we cannot separate the gospel message from what our children are learning in the classroom. We lose credibility with our children, as well as the watching world, if we preach the gospel message yet extract the Designer from our science and history curriculums. Proverbs 1:7 (NLT) is quick to point out that there is no real knowledge apart from the Creator in saying, “Fear of the LORD is the foundation of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Academic advancement is stalled when education overlooks the presence of God in the world because “all knowledge is His knowledge” (Col 1:16). If we claim to know Christ and desire to live for him and to train our children as such, it is essential to take seriously the Scriptures that command us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind to a Biblical mindset and no longer conform to the pattern of the world (Rom 12:2). If we believe there is neutrality in the pursuit of knowledge, we may have already adopted a humanistic mindset. The Apostle Paul clearly warned Timothy, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ” (Col 2:8 NIV). Does Common Core curriculum really matter? Personally, I think it does. Souls are at stake. However, as Christ’s Bride, we are not without hope! “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” 2 Chron 7:14 (ESV). Let us thoroughly study the Scriptures for God’s divine direction and pray for a courageous willingness to change course if necessary.