The Lord was birthing the words for this blog in my heart when I happened to see a Good Morning America clip about a “magic mirror” and a female band out of Austin, Texas called The Mrs. My curiosity was piqued. I mean what woman isn’t intrigued by the thought of a “magic mirror” that would speak positively about her reflection? As I watched the episode unfold, I was brought to tears as the magical mirror spoke positive, uplifting words of encouragement over each beautiful woman who dared to stop for a glance. (Watch here:
The Mrs. have stepped out with an innovative idea and a sure fire new hit, “I’m Enough,” challenging women in all walks of life to “kill that noise” of criticism that reigns unrelentingly when face-to-face with our reflection.
We have bought the demoralizing lies far too long, friends, and the consequences are devastating. Anorexia, bulimia, self-mutilation, plastic surgery (to which I’ve succumbed), and measuring our self-worth by the number on a scale instead of the nail scarred hands of Christ. Each one of us is loved far more than we’ll ever know by a Savior that died for us (Romans 5:8). Prince Charming is a fictional character who sweeps the flawless princess off her feet, but Jesus Christ is the King of Kings whose blood bought our ransom and whose everlasting love for us is the embodiment of perfection.
Several years ago I was chastising myself before the merciless mirror picking out each “flaw” my eyes deceivingly embraced. I was focused on the crinkles around my eyes, lines forming around my mouth, the too much wiggle in the tummy, and extra jiggle on my thighs when suddenly I sensed the sadness of my heavenly Father, my creator. Here his creation stood picking apart his work of art. He impressed upon my heart the truth of my criticism which was simply my agreement with the enemy. You see, Satan loves to distort the works of God and his desire is to “steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10) the abundant life Christ desires for us. When God created man in His image he looked at his creation and called it “very good” (Genesis 1:31). So when did we stop believing God’s word about our image which was created like him? We are a beautiful reflection of our amazing Creator, yet we have swallowed the lies of the evil one, aligning our thoughts with his, ashamed to look in the mirror or step on a scale. The last time I checked the words fear, overweight, underweight, and ugliness were not descriptions the Lord used to describe is daughters.
Our true identity lies in Christ and he is enough. When we gaze in the mirror, we reflect the flawless beauty of chosen women who are redeemed from sin by blood spilled just for us. We have been adopted by a perfect Father who smiles at our appearance and shouts over our critical inner voice, “You are blessed, chosen, holy, blameless, loved, adopted, redeemed, and forgiven. You are mine” (Ephesians 1:3-5, Isaiah 43:1). Today when you step in front of the mirror, don’t be afraid of the image you see, embrace it as the person God created you to be. You are a beautiful reflection which represents the hand of God in a unique, inspiring, and beautiful design.
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