Monday, July 24, 2017

And So the Adventure Begins...

On my final Monday morning in Houston, I gaze around my empty living room, and thank God for the wonderful memories we have made in this home. Tomorrow the movers will arrive drawing our time in Houston to a close, and a new chapter in our family story will begin.

Although I’m looking forward to moving to the Texas Hill Country (unlike most people I actually enjoy moving), I feel somewhat emotional, and I begin wrestling with my feelings. I fight to believe how quickly the years have passed, and that we now have two teenage daughters and a “tween” young man. While I have grown accustomed to moving every two-three years (Houston has been our longest stint at 4 years), I want to be sensitive to the fact that new beginnings have many exciting aspects; however, they also can be difficult, especially for kids. Our children have been through several military moves, but they’re older now, so moving has bigger implications in each of their lives. Saying tearful goodbyes to close friends are heart wrenching not only for them, but as a watchful mother as well. A wave of apprehension grips my heart. Did we make the right choice? Did we allow discontent to drive our decision? Should we have stayed? Did we pray enough? But then my heart is quieted, remembering the sovereignty of God, and the truthfulness of the Word, “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9 ESV). We are on his path, and it's a path we’ve been seeking prayerfully for the last two years.

Immense changes are coming in the next couple of weeks. Moving to the beautiful Texas Hill Country, Lenny will begin a new job, we’ll begin searching for a new church family, and our daughters will walk through the doors of San Marcos Academy to continue their academic careers beyond the scope of the homeschool classroom they’ve always known. I’m excited for this opportunity that God has laid before them, but I guess I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say my heart is a bit torn at the fact our time together learning at home has drawn to a close. I didn’t realize as we closed the last book of their 7th and 9th grade years that they would be embarking on a whole new adventure next fall. God has been abundantly gracious in the years he has given me to nurture and teach my children at home. I cherish the time, memories, and countless conversations. I’m thankful for the laid back pajama days as well as the friends we’ve met along the way. Time indeed passes quickly. I remember well our first year of homeschooling as I nervously launched on this somewhat crazy notion to educate my children at home. Armed with Deuteronomy 6:4-6, Abeka curriculum, and an adorably decorated classroom, we set to work! Even when you’re unsure of your steps, we can rest assured in the One who ordained them. He has been abundantly faithful through nine years of homeschooling, and I’m confident that his faithfulness will continue in our move to San Marcos. I’m excited to explore new places with my family, become involved at San Marcos Academy, make new friends, and enjoy the open door(s) God has in store for us. And so the adventure begins… 

1 comment:

  1. I'll be praying for you and your family this week and as you venture further into this new chapter. You are an amazing mother and woman of God! Donna Kline
